
Happy new year!

At the threshold of a New Year

2020 was not really good. but I want to remember the good parts. Because I’m always seeing the positive in every situation, I want to thank all the people who during this unprecedented time decided to stand and to stay alive, whatever could happen. Because of their passion, of their commitment for living, they are those …

At the threshold of a New Year Read More »

LOS SANTOS MC 1219, Phoenix, Arizona

En octobre 2020, les lecteurs français du magazine Freeway auront la joie de découvrir, au travers de mon reportage, le club motard américain LOS SANTOS MC.In October 2020, French readers of Freeway magazine will have the joy of discovering the American motorcycle club LOS SANTOS MC through my report.. J’ai rencontré ce petit club bien …

LOS SANTOS MC 1219, Phoenix, Arizona Read More »

BLM Phoenix

05 juin 2020. Phoenix, Arizona. 9ème jour de manifestation pour protester contre le racisme et les violences policières après le meurtre de George Floyd à Minneapolis au Minnesota par un policier lors d’une interpellation. // © Olivier Touron / Divergence